Visit the NEW Fishland

Do you know the latest news?



Have you seen the NEW Fishland?


Sail to the deep of Aquafish and meet the new Fishes! Create your new virtual animal and
find all the new features in this fantastic new Fishland world.

Did you know that the new Fishland has new and funnier ways to talk with your friends.
From now on you will receive all your friends mails as well as your fish warnings in your internal
Fishland email box. It's easier and funnier ... but Fishland couldn't stop there.
Now there are plenty of other new stuff... You can leave a comment to your friend, send him aurux,
yo's or items.

You will find new and powerfull items to use in your Fish. And you will have available new
professions for your Fish. Chose your favourite one.

Did you bought an AuruxMillions ticket?

What are you waiting for? Do your bet, place you number and if you are lucky you will become a millionairaux.

to all your friends how Fishland has improved and all the new hot features that aer waiting for them and ask them to sign up!
After your friends sign up to Fishland you can add them as friends, leave them messages, comments and
send them YO's as plenny of other new interactions.


New design, more interaction and a
new world Map...

you will feel
like a fish in the water!

Have fun and find the new adventures ...


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