Hotel - The great place to rest

Do you need ....
To Study | To go out | Go on holidays

and you don't know where to leave your fish?

The Hotel is the perfect solution for your problem. Now You don’t need to worry about this, because it will be very well treated at the Hotel. It will stay with the same characteristics as the day you putted in to.

The minimum of days at the Hotel, are 3 and the maximum are 30. You have to pay the days that you choose to stay, the price changes according with your fish evolution and with the number of days that your fish stays at the Hotel.

The more developed is your fish the more you will pay to stay however you have a great discount if you put more fishes resting at the Fishland Hotel.

If you are thinking in going out for some reason or you don't have enough time for your fish right now, you can put your Fish at the Hotel now.

If you need to see how your Fish is now, you can click Here.


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