Fishland Shops: Buy items to your Fish

It's is important to know how to win aurux but also how to spend it. To help your Fish grow healthy and strong you must take good care of him.

Your Fish needs to buy some items to satisfy his needs. You can buy this items in the official Fishland shops, in Fishes shops or in the auctions.

In the official Fishland shops every 15 minutes new items are available for sale. These shops are organized in function of a type of product. For example, if you want to buy a medicine go to Pharmaqua, if you want a weapon go to Armix, etc... In these shops the prices are stipulated by the system.

In Fishes shops the offering is very diversified. These shops belong to Fishes that have achieved already the level 1. To buy an item you can do a search based on the name of the item or an advanced search. In the advanced search you can choose the item type, its rarity and price.

When you evolve to the level 1 you also will be able to create your own Fish shop and sell the items that you desire.

The auctions are as well a good solution! Good opportunities can appear. Be aware and place your bet!


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